£1,497.00 GBP

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Blood Sugar Mastery 12 month Programme

Take the first steps 

    • 40+ Videos with a step by step guide (value £997)
    • Topics to cover all aspects of a lifestyle change (food, stress, sleep and psychology)
    • Recipe bundle that includes 30 delicious low carb recipes (value £25)
    • Guilt-free guide to eating out 
    • Meal plans
    • Private Facebook group support (value £180/yr)
    • Blood Sugar Mastery manual (printed version) (value £25)
    • Transform Your Mindset Programme delivered live (6 live session, workbook and replays) (value £297)
    • Mastering your Sweet Tooth Challenge (value £97)
    • Weekly Live coaching support (value £252/yr)
    • Small group WhatsApp support (£360/yr)
    • 12x 1:1 session with Diabetes Specialist Nurse (value £720)
    • Libre monitor & user training (value £86)
    • Access to 20+ 'bonus videos' (value £197)
    • 12x Monthly online group sessions with Dr Nerys (£180)
    • Mindset Mini-course (value £97)
    • Total value (if each element bought separately) of £3520

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If so please click here 

Your details will be kept secure and not shared with any third parties. Your email will only be used to send relevant details related to our programme. Please read our terms and conditions and privacy policy before you pay.