The Lifestyle Clinic

Blog Posts

5 ways to stay low carb on holiday Jul 25, 2024

Following a low-carb diet while on holiday can be challenging, but with some preparation and smart choices, it is definitely achievable. Here are five ways to follow a low-carb diet while on holiday:

  1. Plan ahead: Before you embark on your holiday, do some research on the destination you'll be...
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How to increase self-control? Jul 15, 2024

How to increase self-control

Excellent self-control is the holy grail of all dieters. Imagine being able to resist sugary treats easily regardless of emotion, time of day or whatever else causes you to feel ‘weak’.

But like many other things; self-control is a skill. A skill that can...

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How to strengthen willpower? Jul 10, 2024

Have you ever struggled to keep going when the going gets tough?

Have you ever felt as though your strength of mind is letting you down?

Do you find it hard to get into the ‘right mindset’ with regards to weight loss?


The most common reason why we see people being unable to...

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Could switching from white to brown be a mistake for those with Type 2 Diabetes? Jun 04, 2024

It was last Friday and I was doing my usual Friday morning GP clinic and a chap with type 2 Diabetes came in. His HbA1c (blood glucose) was getting worse. In fact it had increased by 10mmol/mol in 6 months. 

He felt exasperated. ‘’I’m doing everything I can doc but the...

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Strawberries & cream for breakfast? May 20, 2024

Did you know a great breakfast if you’re trying to lose weight is strawberries and cream?

And double cream at that…

I know it sounds crazy because we’re so used to hearing that fat is bad for us, it will raise your cholesterol and we should avoid it at all costs. And will...

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How much weight loss is needed to improve health? May 14, 2024

In a world where health is increasingly in the spotlight, the quest for optimal well-being often circles back to one crucial aspect: weight. But how much weight do you really need to lose to make a tangible difference in your health? Let’s delve into the science behind weight loss and its...

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Weight Loss Injections Apr 30, 2024

Last week a drug rep came to see us in our GP practice. Drug reps come relatively frequently and it’s their job to tell us about new medications that come on the market and advise us on recent research. Last week it was the turn of the Diabetes rep and he had a new drug on the market...

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Exercise & Weight Regain Mar 05, 2024

Weight regain is a common phenomenon among individuals who have lost weight, and can be a significant cause of distress for many. However, there is one tool in the armoury that we can use to our benefit to prevent this from happening. And that is exercise or physical activity.

Did you know that...

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5 Books that have changed my outlook on diabetes and weight loss Feb 20, 2024

Anyone that knows me knows that I’m an avid reader. It’s not uncommon for me to read one book a week, and that’s been the case for years! But it’s not novels I read! Most books I read nowadays is about Diabetes, weight loss and psychology! I cannot get enough of them,...

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The Dieting Loop Jan 23, 2024

Having been running weight loss and diabetes remission clinics since 2018 there are a few mistakes that I see people making time and time again.

In this article I’m going to highlight one of them with the intent of raising awareness, which I hope in turn will lead to positive action.


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The Seven Types of Hunger Dec 05, 2023


We’re all familiar with the feeling that hunger gives us. Hunger is there to serve a specific purpose – it’s there to stimulate us to eat. However, living like we do in the western world, hunger can bring about over-eating and as a result health problems. We’re...

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The Sugar Rollercoaster Nov 14, 2023

The term "sugar rollercoaster" refers to the fluctuating cycle of blood sugar levels that occurs after consuming foods high in sugar or refined carbohydrates. This rollercoaster ride can wreak havoc on your body's energy levels, mood, and overall well-being. So many of us are on the sugar...

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